Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 6, 2007

+ Chạy Vista Aero trên card onboard GMA 950

Currently Windows Vista does not have WDDM support for the Intel GMA950 integrated graphics card. Even though this card is integrated, it supports all of the requirements for Vista Glass. It is just a matter of getting a driver that is compatible with it and vista.

After doing a ton of research, I found that there is another driver that you can actually use for now. There are some problems with it, such if you have a laptop, the external monitor port does not always work but other than that it works great for me on my Lenovo X60.

This is how I got Vista Glass to run on a GMA950:

1. First, I had to open up device manager. Click on the start menu and type in devmgmt.msc and Enter to load it up.
2. Once there, expand the Display Adapters section and right click on each device and select Uninstall.
3. Reboot the computer.
4. When it restarts, it should install a generic video driver so your screen will still work.
5. Go back into Device Manager, expand the Display Adapters section again and then right click on the device and select Update Driver.
6. This time select Browse My Computer for Driver and then Let me pick it from a list.
7. Go the the Intel section and select the Intel(R) Lakeport Graphics Controller.
8. Hit OK and install the new driver. Restart your computer.
9. Once you have rebooted, right click on your desktop and select Personalize again.
10. Click on Windows Colors and Appearance.
11. Click on Open classic appearance properties for more color options.
12. In the Color Scheme box, select Windows Vista Aero.
13. Hit OK and glass will now load.

If glass does not work for you, go back to Device Manager and ensure the new display driver is working. You may have to update your system BIOS version. I had to update the BIOS version on the X60 in order for the new driver to work.

Nếu bạn đang dùng card Intel GMA 950 thì không phải là nó không chạy được mà là do cái driver nó ko tương thích mà thôi. Hãy làm như sau:
1.Click phải My Computer, chọn manage, ở cột 1 chọn device manager, cột 2 chọn display adapters, ghi tên driver hiện tại ra giấy có gì chút cài lại, click phải lên card rồi bấm update driver software…
2.Chọn Browse my computer for driver software, chọn tiếp let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
3.Bỏ dấu tick ô show compatible hardware, chọn intel, chọn Intel(R) Lakeport Graphics Controller hay 1 driver nào đó có WDDM
4.Click next, install xong reboot máy
5.Khởi động máy xong hãy click phải destop chọn personalize và chọn giao diện windows aero, aero glass, xong.
6.Kiểm tra xem driver có hoạt động tốt không, nếu cần thì update BIOS.
7.Trong trường hợp driver không thể hiển thị được gì (reboot xong màn hình đen thui) thì reboot lại, nhấn F8 trước khi vista khởi động, chọn safe mode rồi cài lại driver cũ (tick ô show compatible hardware).

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